Thursday 22 July 2010


I've always believed that with knowledge came pain. In a sense, pain is knowledge. With me, it has always brought a clarity of thought that I've never had in situations where I didn't feel pushed to the very edge of sanity, forced to make a choice between a feverish search for truth, and a loss of everything I hold dear.When backed into a corner, you must evaluate all the options: turn back, forget; stay stagnant, refusing to make a decision; or look forward, seeking truth and desiring growth.
People have always questioned a person's necessity for growth. But truly, what are we without knowledge, without understanding? Does mere "being" dare you to dream -- to achieve? Can bare existence impregnate you with the curiosity required in order to discover all the things we need to know? Science, love, happiness: to achieve any, you must grow, you must learn to adapt, to understand, to sympathize with those around you so that we don't destroy one another.
Let us not forget that Adam and Eve may have been perfect, yes, but they also knew nothing and did not progress. It was a choice that changed the world, as well as them. They brought sin into the world, but sin and pain and death are necessary evils in order to experience redemption.


  1. I like this. I've always believed that pain and bad experiences in general are meant to better build a person up, and what you had to say here really supports that belief.

    You seem to have a good understanding of things :) i congratulate you. Not many people have that kind of understanding.

  2. Thank you.
    It's nice to know that not everyone out there thinks that pain is nothing but an awful experience to rid yourself of.
